branding lifestyle portrait of a female surfer on the beach




Toronto’s Premium BRANDING PHOTOS

Branding portraits are intended to be used for publicity & promotion, and can be shot in-studio or on-location*

We suggest shooting this in a setting in which the imagery is congruent with your brand story and character. We’re happy to travel for you.

*extra fee for shooting on location (see checkout page for details)

branding portrait of Bruce Willis
branding portrait of a beauty pageant contestant

When “Just a Few” Portraits Won’t Cut It.

Branding Portrait Photo Sessions

branding portrait of a fashion icon in Toronto
Branding portrait of a young female entrepreneur

Why Choose a Branding Portrait Session?

The 2 Most Common BRANDING PortraitS

Popular requests for branding sessions.

free, airy, lifestyle branding girl portrait for social media

Promotional SOCIAL Media Content

The typical social influencer, Instagram & Pinterest type “it girl” type photos.

publicity photos for press and branding in Toronto

Ads, Publicity, Press Kits Portraits

Bold, prominent shots of talent/artists, actors, musicians, etc. for Branding/Publicity/PR.


Over 300% increase in marketing effectiveness. Marketers using original images outperformed marketers using generic/stock images by over 300%

— Venngage

Double your views, with one easy trick. Content with relevant images gets 94% more views compared to content without images.

— MDG Advertising

Press releases with a photo received almost 40% more views than text-only releases. Now imagine the benefits of adding multiple photos.


Enjoyed these statistics?

Want to learn more about portraits? We have more fascinating statistics on our Branding Portraits page!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I Prepare for my PORTRAIT?

Make sure you got enough sleep the night before. Then, before your shoot play an upbeat song. This will prime you with an amazing feeling at your shoot!

What Do I Wear for my PORTRAIT?

Dress to impress. Wear whatever colours you want, patterns, go nuts. Ideally, let’s choose a colour palette together to get you the best possible results.

Who Needs a PORTRAIT?

If you intend to be taken seriously, consider getting professional portraits, as having professional photos increases your perceived authority.

I’m Nervous: I’ve Never Taken a PORTRAIT BEfore.

Most of our customers haven’t done a shoot before, and they always leave in high spirits (with quality photos). Danny, your photographer, likes awakening everyone’s inner beauty.

Do You Provide Hair / Makeup for pORTRAIT?

For this package, many of our clients opt for makeup and hair services, which start at an $150+tax for the bare essentials.

How Fast Do I Get My Photos Back?

Almost instantly You choose your favourite photo in-studio (from our big-screen), and by the next day, you’ve got it up on your LinkedIn, Instagram, Spotify, etc. or submitted to the press!